Chapter 3: Recording with the Axon Body 2 Camera
Operating Modes
The Axon Body 2 camera has two operating modes:
BUFFERING (turning on the camera and starting pre-event buffering)
EVENT (event recording)
BUFFERING Mode (Turning on the Camera)
Move the ON/OFF switch on the camera to the ON position.
With the camera turned on, the Axon system is in the BUFFERING mode. When BUFFERING begins:
• The Operation LED on the camera will blink green.
• The camera will be capturing video but no audio, and will not record to permanent memory while in BUFFER-
ING mode.
• Buffered video duration is 30 seconds by default (00:00:30).
When you activate the EVENT mode, the buffered video (not audio) captured directly before the event, up to 30
seconds, will be saved and attached to the event in permanent memory. This feature is intended to capture the
video of an incident just before your activation of EVENT mode.
With default settings, the system does not capture audio in BUFFERING mode, so anything recorded in that
mode will be video-only. Buffering mode starts only after the Axon Body 2 camera is turned on. The system
does not record when the camera is turned off.