12 – Maintenance and settings–Checking version numbers
Checking version numbers
In case of problems, you may need to quote the ver-
sion number of the DA-98HR’s internal software
components to a TASCAM representative.
Go to menu group F:
Within menu group F, move the cursor so that
it is by the
Sys ver
(system version),
Front ver
(front panel software ver-
sion) or
Servo ver
(servo control soft-
ware version) field. The version number of the
appropriate software will be shown on the bot-
tom line of the display.
12.6.1 Software upgrades
TASCAM pursues a policy of continuous improve-
ment to products, and there may be future enhance-
ments to the DA-98HR software. Your TASCAM
dealer will be able to advise you of developments in
this area.
˘ S y s
v e r
F r o n t
v e r
S e r v o
v e r
D r
T o t a l
D r
S e a r c h
V e r
3 2 . 0 6