Intelligent Power Factor Controller TPF-56
Events and interval based data-logging facilities:
The TPF-56 has non-volatile memory where internal operational status is
monitored and change of state, called as an “Event”, is internally recorded in
the non-volatile memory, with RTCC date & time stamping for the event data.
Up to 1024 latest events are held in the memory which can be off-loaded
from the controller to a PC or to a hand-held unit (HHU) for further analysis.
This information is useful to the user because the user comes to know when
a particular fault occurred and when the controller resumed from the faulty
The “
Data View
” Application Software for PC, is provided to the users of
TPF-56 Unit to download and process the data directly from the TPF-56 using
a laptop/PC or download from Hand Held Unit(HHU), if the HHU already has
the data from TPF-56. A separate User Manual is available for the “Data View”
“Data View” is for not only for data downloading from the TPF-56 Units, but
also for presenting the captured information in a User-Friendly manner.
TPF-56 Unit is capable of internally logging various important Electrical
Parameters as well as the Capacitor Bank Status, on a fixed Time Interval
The most common Time Interval provided is that of 1 Hour, therefore the
data-logging is on an Hourly basis.
Thus, the Hourly logged records in the TPF-56 Unit are first downloaded by
“Data View”, and then, analysed and presented to the User in various ways.
“Data View” is capable of generating the reports in visual forms as well as in
print form for hard-copy storage.
The Non-Volatile Memory of the TPF-56
Unit is capable of logging the Hourly
Data for a maximum duration of 124 days. The “Data View” downloads all
logged data of 124 days. Selecting shorter time interval period for logging will
correspondingly reduce the number of days for the logged data because the
amount (size) of memory for data-logging, is internally fixed in the design.
“Data View” has the ability to show the date of downloading and expected
date of next download. Time span between date of downloading and next date
of downloading is 90 days.
This facility allows about One Month margin to get the data from the field.
This is important so that one actually does not miss any field data.
If the logged-data is not off-loaded from the Controller in time, the old data
will be over-written by the Controller to always present the latest data.
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Version 1.1.5 22
March, 2016