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Rev 3
AQUATOR Commercial Oil Water Separator
Operating, Installation & Maintenance Manual
This Aquator Commercial Oil Water Separator (OWS) Operating and Maintenance Manual
gives instructions for single-wall and double-wall OWS applications. It must be used in
combination with the Tank Solutions Installation Manual and Operating Guidelines for Single-
Wall and Double-Wall Fiberglass Underground Storage Tanks. (According to EN 858-
Some Notes from EN 858-2:2003 (E);
- The light liquid shall not be able to escape from separator or the extension shafts.
Separator systems shall be installed in such way that the level of the manhole cover
(ground level) is higher than the water level on the surface being drained. This is will
prevent the possible escape of light liquid from the system
Installation following EN 858-2:2003 (E);
- Separator system shall be only installed on drainage systems where light liquids need
to be separated from water and retained within the separator. They shall not be
installed on drain and sewer systems containing domestic wastewater.
- The drainage of areas where light liquids are unlikely to occur, such as roofs
and grassed areas should not discharge through separators.
- The connection of the separator system to the drainage system shall be done
in accordance with the local regulations.
- Sampling access shall be integral or separately installed, immediately downstream
of the separator.
- To avoid turbulence within the separator, pumping and lifting plants should be
installed downstream of the separator.
- The provision of traps on drains depends on local regulations. The drains as well as
the connected pipelines shall be installed to fall to the separator system.
- If for technical reasons long pipe runs are required for large collecting areas, e.g. tank
farms, army barracks, refineries, full pipelines may be necessary for special protection
of the drainage installations.