6. For the most accurate readings
Breath Checker is sensitive to certain environmental factors that can
interfere with the unit’s ability to detect breath odor level correctly.
For the best results avoid:
- Hot and humid placed/Windy areas/High levels of air pollution.
Note: Usage in such areas may damage the product.
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly after cleaning your teeth or using
mouth wash, or wait at least 10 minutes before using Breath
- If you do not use Breath Checker for a long period of time, test the
odor level of your breath several times to reactivate the product.
7. About the Breath Checker
What is Breath Odor?
Everyone can have “bad breath”. The level of odor in an individual’s
breath will differ depending on a person’s age, the presence of oral
disease and the amount of saliva secretions. A person’s breath odor
level can also fluctuate within a given day depending their physical
condition, the type of food they have eaten and the amount of time
since they last brushed their teeth.
What causes Breath Odor?
Bad breath is made up of volatile sulfides and hydrocarbons. Breath
Checker detects and measures the presence of these substances
in the breath and displays the degree of odor in four levels. (See
Breath Odor Level Diagram)
There are some odors that contain a type of gas that cannot
be detected by Breath Checker.
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Dezember 2012