Closing Movi
Closing Movi
Closing and reopening the control window
1. Click on the
in the upper right corner to close the Movi window while remaining available
to receive calls.
2. Movi is now placed in your computer's systray in the lower right corner of your screen.
Your current status will be displayed on top of the Movi icon.
3. To reopen the Movi window, double-click the systray icon, or right-click it and select
Signing out
To sign out from Movi, for example to allow another user to log in:
1. Click the status button in the Movi control window.
2. Select
Sign out
3. If your username and password are already filled in, click the
Clear sign-in
link to empty
the fields for the next user.
Exiting Movi
To exit the Movi application completely:
1. Right-click on the Movi icon in the systray.
2. Select
When you exit Movi, you will also be signed out.
Movi User Guide
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