TANDBERG IBM Lotus Notes/Domino v 11.3 - Installation & getting started guide
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and ensure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at
least Read access to this file.
Updating the java.policy file
This section and onward is applicable for all versions of Notes/Domino.
The java.policy file must be updated to allow the TMS integration package to use web services. The
java.policy file is by default found in the jvm\lib\security folder of your Domino directory.
Update the policy file by opening it in a text editor and adding the following line inside an existing grant
statement (See Figure 2: An updated java.policy file):
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.protocol.handler.pkgs",
Save and close the java.policy file.
Figure 2: An updated java.policy file
Editing the notes.ini file
The notes.ini file is by default found in the Domino directory. Open the notes.ini file in a text editor and
add the lines shown in Figure 3: An updated notes.ini file to the top of the file:
TMSResourceDatabaseName=Video Conference Resources
It is important that only one instance of each of these statements exists in the notes.ini file. If one of
these lines already exists in the notes.ini file, you must modify the existing line to include these values.
For the
variable, the name must match the name you intend to give
the resource reservation database to be used for video conferencing rooms. This database will be