10. Appendix
Fuse Replacement on Maelstrom 4810
Specification of Fuse:
UL recognized component
Rated 5A, 250VAC x2pcs
UFE, Size 5.2
x 20mm
Precautions of Fuse Replacement
Please note that severe electrical shock which may cause
physical injury or death could be resulted from working on an
instrument as the high voltage power supply is in operation.
To avoid electrical shock, please follow the guide below to
replace the fuses:
1. Disconnect the power to the instrument
2. Unplug the power cord from the instrument
3. Still the instrument at least 1 min before fuse replacement
Procedure of Fuse Replacement
Required tool: Fine flat-tip screwdriver
1. Power off and unplug the power cord from the instrument
2. Still the instrument for at least 1 min
3. Use flat-tip screwdriver to slot in power filter module and pull
4. outward the fuse holderPush the fuse aside and replace the
brown fuse by new one
5. Place the fuse compartment back to the filter module till it
locks in place