DYGSM Alarm System User Manual
Monitoring Center
Monitoring Center Number
: To Edit the CID Phone Number, which will receive the information from the Alarm System upon enabling the CID Service
ADMECO Contact id
: User ID, Provided by your CID service provider
Upload Alarm Data: To enable/Disable the Function of Uploading the Alarm Data to your Service Provider or Not
Upload Arm/Disarm Data
: Enable/Disable the Function of Uploading the Arm/Disarm Data to your Service Provider
Timely Arm/Disarm
: To Start the Timer for Arm/Disarm
-------Set Arm Time: To set the starting-time to Arm
-------Set Disarm Time: To set the time to Disarm
:To close the Timer for Arming/Disarming
BlueTooth settings
BlueTooth On/Off
: Enable/Disable the Bluetooth Function of the Host
Device Name
: To Modify the name of the Device
: To make the Host visible/invisible to the other Bluetooth Device. To avoid the
malicious interference, Please make the Host on the status of
Invisible if there is no need to pair new mobile
Delete Paired Mobile
: To delete the Device that already paired with the Host
System settings
: To set up the password to the System
Arm Delay Time
: To set up the delay-time to Arm the System, which means that the system will not Arm until the delay time’s up.
Alarm Delay Time
: To set up the Delay time for Alarming, which means that the System will not alarm until the Delay time’s up
Door/Window Open Tip
: To set up to skip the Function of Door/Window-Open-Reminding or Not when Arm the System, To Select [Yes] means that you
can Arm even the Door/Window is open.
: To set up the date/Time of the System
……………Display Format: To set up the date format of the System
12.1 Language: System Language
12.2 Factory Reset
Restore Defaults
Enable [Yes] means that you need to reset the information excluding Remote Controller, Sensors/Detectors, Wireless Sirens, RFID Cards,
Bluetooth Mobiles.