The Entre Plus system should not be used if you have one or more of
the following conditions:
Heart failure (acute pulmonary edema, decompensated acute
heart failure)
Acute venous disease (acute thrombophlebitis, acute deep venous
thrombosis, acute pulmonary embolism)
Severe peripheral artery disease (critical limb ischemia including
ischemic rest pain, arterial wounds or gangrene)
Active skin or limb infection/inflammatory disease (acute cellulitis,
other uncontrolled skin or untreated inflammatory skin disease)
Active cancer (cancer that is currently under treatment, but not yet
in remission)
Any circumstance where increased lymphatic or venous return is
Unpacking Instructions
When your Entre Plus system arrives, it is important that you carefully
unpack the contents and ensure that you have all the equipment
required to begin operation . If the Entre Plus system is exposed to
storage temperature extremes, allow the system to stabilize at room
temperature for at least 6 hours before use .
Included in the box, you should find the following:
Controller unit Power adapter
Garment(s) and accessory(ies) Quick Start Guide
to treat your condition
The garment(s) and accessory(ies) you receive will depend upon your
individual treatment requirements . If you are missing any of the items
listed for your prescribed treatment, please contact Customer Service
toll free at 833 .3TACTILE (833 .382 .2845) .