How to Stop Inverter Operation
To Stop the Hybrid Solar Inverter
To Shutdown the System
To shut down the system before long absences or moves, servicing is required to turn OFF the switches inside
the inverter that control the PV system and storage battery unit. Contact the vendor, an electrician, or the
customer service center.
If the storage batteries have no charge and are not able to be recharged for two or more consecutive
days, the switch inside the storage battery unit automatically shuts off to prevent over-discharging.
Once the switch shuts off, servicing is required before the storage battery unit can be used again.
If the inverter needs to be shutdown for a long period of time or if the grid-tied breaker in the
Electrical Service Entrance is in the OFF position for a long period of time, contact the vendor, an
electrician, or the customer service center.
Press and hold the [RUN/STOP] button on the Remote Controller for 5 seconds or more.
•Standby power is consumed even while the inverter is stopped.
•Do not leave the grid-tied breaker in the Electrical Service Entrance in the OFF position for long periods
of time.
In case of stand-alone over current error (e010)
Some appliances draw too much inrush current at starting, which exceeds
output capacity of the inverter. This may cause of an e010 error.
In case of this error, the inverter might be recovered by disconnecting
appliances and/or turning off the switch on Backup Load Panel.
If this error message appears repeatedly, please consider to select the backup
appliances again.
(Please be sure to confirm switching operation at installation.)
In case of stand-alone overload error (e009)
An e009 error means the total power consumption (VA) on the appliances
connected to stand-alone outlet exceeds maximum power limit.
In case of this error, the inverter might be recovered by reducing power
consumption by disconnecting some devices.
Please confirm the maximum power consumption (VA) of connected
appliances will keep within 2kVA at all time. Especially the consumption of a
refrigerator, furnace or heater, is fluctuating.
The inverter cannot keep 2kVA when the less charging or the degradation of
VA: Corrected power consumption (W) by considering power factor.
The inverter may stop at night time.
When the battery is fully charged during no PV generation period such as night time, the inverter will stop in order to
avoid self-consumption.
Later on, if PV generation starts or discharging of the battery starts, the inverter will restart from standby after a few