Additional functions
Priority menu
When the consumers with lower priority are being filled, the unit monitors
the irradiation at the radiation sensor or the collector temperature. If a radiation threshold C is
reached or the collector temperature is exceeded by a value calculated from the threshold for
the low-priority consumer, the priority timer is activated. The pump then switches off for a set
waiting time of 60 sec (waiting time 1)
After the rinsing time (1, 3), the computer calculates the increase in collector temperature.
It detects whether the set waiting time tA has been reached to heat the collector to the priority
temperature. In the second case, the unit waits until the priority has been reached to switch.
If the computer detects that the increase will not suffice within the tA time (4, 5), it discontin-
ues the process and reactivates the time again after tL.
At tL=0, the low-priority is only al-
lowed when the maximum threshold for the priority is reached (=absolute priority).
F 4
– Sensor
is a
radiation sensor
starting the priority timer. If the ra-
diation sensor exceeds the radiation threshold “
”, the priority timer is
launched. Without the radiation sensor, the launch is based on the collec-
tor temperature. Setting range: F0 (= no radiation sensor) to F4
= F 0
radiation threshold
in W/m² (e.g. 200 W/m²) above which rinsing
is allowed. Without a radiation sensor (
F 0
), the computer calculates the
necessary temperature increase for the long-term mean that launches
rinsing from this value. Setting range: c 0 to 99
= 30
Waiting time of low priority
(5 minutes). This is the time in which
the collector should reach the temperature necessary for priority opera-
tion. Setting range: 0 to 9 minutes (tA0 to tA9)
= 5
Pump run-time
of low-priority (e.g. 30 minutes). If the solar radia-
tion to switch to priority is not sufficient, the low priority is allowed again
for this time. Setting range: 0 to 90 minutes (tl0 to tl9) in increments of 10
= 2