Entry Voice Mail
1: Previous status announcement or message
2: Repeat
3: Next status announcement or message
(New messages are played first, followed by messages that
have already been retrieved but not deleted. After the last
message, the next status announcement is played)
00: Delete
*: Skip all messages and play next status announcement
1: Previous status announcement
2: Repeat
3: Next status announcement
8: Next greeting
0: Record/default greeting (#: end recording)
Greeting settings
1: Previous status announcement
2: Repeat
3: Next status announcement
8: On/Off (manual greeting or
“Automatic day/night program”)
Message recording on/off
1: Previous status announcement
2: Repeat
3: Next status announcement
0: On/Off
Code number
1: Previous status announcement
2: Repeat
3: Next status announcement
0: Change; Enter code number twice