SYX66x Commissioning Guide
V1.10.3 300117
Page 42 of 61
Space Set point
– The target room set point for the Optimiser and Heating control room influence control. If no room
sensor is used/available users can still adjust the room set point if too hot or too cold to make an effect on the
heating flow set point.
Space Night Set point
– When in Night Setback mode the heating will control to this night space set point, this will
also be used to influence the heating flow set point. When night setback mode is not being used this value is set to
the space frost set point automatically to avoid confusion.
Space Temp - This shows the current Room Air temperature. Users can view a log of this also by selecting the
graph icon. This may be the average reading is two sensors are used. To view individual readings please look at
the info button and view the Pin readings.
Building Warm Up Rate
– This is the current warming up rate of the building during the boost phase of the optimiser.
This is a learned value and it is an adapted value based on an algorithm inside the controller. The Warm Up rate
will not go below 0.5 or an alarm will be raised. The alarm indicates that the building is taking too long to heat up
and a problem is likely. An engineer should be called to investigate the issue and once rectified this value can be
reset back to a new start value of 1.5. The controller also learns how much time it takes for the boilers to heat up
and the time needed for the heating to affect the room sensor as a part of the adaption system.
Building Cool Down Rate - This is the current cooling rate of the building once the heating has been switched off.
This is a learned value and it is an adapted value based on an algorithm inside the controller. The lower the cool
down rate value the better the insulation of the room that the room sensor is located in.
Space Influence
– For every 1’C the room sensor is above or below the Space Set point the flow set point of the
compensated heating will be adjusted by this value (up or down) but only between the min and max flow set points.
If this is not required set the value to 0