Lite. SysSCRIPT Lite provides remote access and
control of many properties of the gateway, such as
network IP address, number of bytes transferred,
and other gateway details. If your gateway includes
temperature and motion hardware, SysSCRIPT Lite
also provides remote access to this information.
SysSCRIPT is a simple graphical user interface that
provides the ability to program scripts that execute
locally on the gateway.
The licensed version of SysSCRIPT provides
additional, advanced access and control for external
devices. Example external devices include devices
attached to the USB port, or wireless ZigBee, Z-Wave,
or Bluetooth devices (assuming the appropriate
hardware is installed).
Setup and configuration of SysSCRIPT requires just a
few short minutes. You can access SysSCRIPT with
your smart phone, tablet, or computer. No
application installation is necessary. Simply use a
current version of your favorite browser, such as
Chrome, Explorer, or Safari.
Gateway Activation
Activation is a two-step process
Gateway Activation
and Account Activation. Activate SysSCRIPT on the
gateway by accessing the local configuration options
described above. Click on the
“SysMAP Settings” in
the user interface web page. Click to place a
checkmark in the “Enable the SysMAP service”
option box.
Account Login
Go to the following URL:
If you previously created a SysSCRIPT account for any
gateway in the past, then simply use your existing
user credentials to log in. Otherwise, select the
“Register a new user” option.
Account Activation
Activation Code:
sysscript lite
Gateway Activation Password:
See the bottom of
the gateway. If no Gateway Activation Password is
present, then use the 6-digit serial number.
If you received a separate activation code, perhaps
for a full SysSCRIPT license, use that activation code
If you register as a new user, please include your
activation code when asked. Your activation code
will apply the appropriate access rights to your
SysSCRIPT account.
If you would like to add an activation code to an
existing account, simply log in to your account, then
select the “Use Activation Code” menu option, and
enter the Activation Code and Gateway Activation
Password as described above.
Be sure to remember your account username and
password for the future, as that will be required to
access SysSCRIPT for this gateway and other
gateways that may be linked to your account. There
is an option to recover your username and password
if you forget it.
Gateway Access
To acces
s SysSCRIPT, select the “SysSCRIPT” square
tile, under the “Applications” dropdown list. A new
window will open with a dropdown list of all
gateways associated with your SysSCRIPT account.
Select “Gateways” to expose the entire list. From
this list, find the gateway that you would like to work
New gateways will have a default gateway name of
the serial number preceded with a “GW”. For
example, GW398254.
When you have located the gateway of interest,
select the “Details” button of the gateway. Th
is will
bring you to a screen showing current status
information of the gateway. It is usually desirable to
rename the gateway to something more meaningful.
Simply click on the gateway name to bring up a
renaming dialog box.
Also, you must set the initial time zone and location
of the gateway. This is required to enable time-
based scripts. Select and edit the Latitude,
Longitude, and Time Zone properties of the gateway.
Select the pencil icon near the property you intend to
change. Edit the Time Zone property last, since
editing the Time Zone will cause the gateway to
automatically reboot. This is normal, and you can