Put the top enclosure back on the unit, making sure
the vents are at the end opposite the antenna,
before pushing down to snap in place.
Access the local SysLINK configuration web page
using the Access Configuration instructions below.
Click on “Cellular Settings” link in the menu on the
left pane. Login to the unit as instructed.
Enter the
APN in the “Access Point Name (APN)” edit
Click “Save Changes”.
Click “Reset/Reboot” link in the leftmost gray menu
pane. Then, click “Reboot”.
Once the SysLINK gateway reboots it should connect
to the cellular network. You can confirm this by
viewing the date and time from the SysLINK
configuration web page. This will be updated one to
two minutes after the gateway reboots. You will
need to refresh the web page manually to see the
date and time change.
Access Local Configuration
Most applications do not require access to the local
configuration options, and the gateway can be used
immediately. If you would like to configure features
such as the IP address or Wi-Fi settings, then follow
these steps.
Connect a PC directly to the SysLINK gateway
Ethernet LAN port.
Point your web broswer to
. Note: You must use
HTTPS as this provides enhanced security.
Ignore any warning screen that may appear.
A page titled “Welcome to the SysLINK”
appears. This is the SysLINK User Interface
Once you select any menu option, you will be
asked to provide login information.
The default user name is “admin”. The
default password is “sysl1nk” (with the
number one between the letters “l” and “n”).
Note that your supplier may use a different
default password.
It is suggested you change the password to
enhance security.
SSH Access
To login to the Linux OS of the gateway directly, you
will need to enable SSH by accessing the local
configuration options described above.
If Advanced Routing is licensed, c
lick on the “Firewall
Settings” link in the user interface web page. Click to
place a checkmark in the “Allow Access” column in
“Secure Shell”
row on the Port Access
Configuration page.
If Advanced Routing is not licensed click on the
“Security Settings” link in the user interface web
page. Click to place a checkmark in the “Secure
Shell” option box.
After enabling SSH Access, reboot the gateway from
the “Reset/Reboot” menu option.
After reboot, you may use SSH to access the Linux OS
of the gateway. The default SSH username is “root”.
The default password is “sysl1nk” (with the number
one between the letters “l” and “n”).
Wi-Fi Access Point
If Wi-Fi is an installed option and configured as an
access point (AP or “hot spot”), the SSID is “SysLINK”
and the Wi-
Fi password is “Systech1”. The IP address
to access the unit via Wi-Fi is
and the DHCP server is configured to provide IP
addresses in the range
For IoT (Internet of Things) support, your SysLINK
Gateway includes SysSCRIPT (licensed) or SysSCRIPT