Centre for Biological Engineering
Standard Operating Procedure
Autoclave Room, H31, CBE
Version 004
Effective Date: 28
June 2020
Review 28
June 2022
Written by: A. Chandra
Reviewed by: P.Hourd
Approved by: R.I.Temple
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on opening the door (4) unathorised or improper programing of parameters (5) unrecognised
errors and defects or poor maintenance procedures.
Heavy Load hazards
- fully loaded baskets/buckets can be too heavy to lift manually when
putting them in or taking them out of the autoclave. If this is the case, the baskets or fillers should
be partially unloaded beforehand (max 35kg inclusive of basket or fillers).
Hazardous substances
- Infectious aerosol hazards from (1) failed exhaust filter cartridges or
their improper disposal (2) non-sterile condensate left behind in the chamber if the sterilisation
process is not successfully completed
Fire or explosion hazards
from (1) misuse of sterilisation cycles ie sterilisation of liquids using
solid cycles (2) sterilisation of liquids in tightly closed containers (3) unauthorised or improper
programing of parameters.
Operational hazards
- After using the autoclave, it must be ensured that the appliance is
properly switched off by means of the main switch (on the side of the autoclave)
Risks due to wear
- The autoclave must be serviced at the regular intervals as specified in the
servicing regulations.( at least once a year or after 500 cycles).
Specific risks of individual sterilization procedures
- Additional specific risks can arise when
using particular sterilization cycles. Specific instructions regarding these risks and how to avoid
are detailed in the operating manual.
Incorrect use of the cycles for solids
- When sterilizing liquids in glass containers with the
cycle for solids, the boiling process can be delayed and the glass container can shatter.
Safe Working Practices
In addition to the basic and specific safety instructions, risks can arise through dangerous working
NOTE: Detailed information on laboratory autoclaves can be found in British Standard
BS2646 ‘Autoclaves for sterilisation in laboratories’, in the HSE publication PM73, ‘Safety at
autoclaves’ and in the local Code of Practice.
The operator MUST ensure that the item to be sterilized is suitable for steam sterilization
in the autoclave with the options installed.
The operator MUST ensure that the maximum load capacity for the autoclave is never
exceeded (refer to Operators Manual for specifications).
Hazardous chemicals or materials contaminated with them MUST NOT be autoclaved.