IPC/RSL8xxx-XxxxE: user documentation
© Syslogic Datentechnik AG, Switzerland, http://www.syslogic.com
always enabled
Attention Interrupt Enable
not used, returns 1
The STOP# signal is intended for control of add-on boards. It is available on the PC/104 bus
connector extension PE.
STOP# is intended as signal to force an add-on board function to a specified state. For example
with the digital I/O board IPC/DIO32 the STOP# signal is used to either reset or freeze the
state of the digital outputs depending on setup of the DIO32 board as long as the STOP# signal
is active (low).
The STOP# signal also directly drives the red LED on the front (STOP# low = LED on).
Upon startup STOP# is active (LED on) until the BIOS has initialized the main peripherals, it
is set inactive (LED off) before booting the operating system. STOP# is also active (LED on)
while operating in Bootloader mode.