HDMI2.0 KVM Matrix Switcher
3. IR Remote Control
The remote-control handset can be used to turn on and off a CEC-enabled
display and select input source for output 1 and output 2..
Turn on a CEC-enabled display device
Select the previous source input
Select a specific source input
Select the next source input
Turn off a CEC-enabled display device
1. As the internal battery inside the remote control of our device is packaged
by insulation slice, please remove the insulation slice before use.
2. Please make sure that the remote is pointed directly at the IR receiver
System Code Switch
The IR Remote provided with the Matrix is shipped in “00” IR system code. In
the event that Remote’s IR signal interferes with IR devices, e.g., TV, DVD
player, the Remote can be switched to “4E” code by short pressing the System
Code Switch on the Remote panel. At the same time, you must redefine the IR
system code of the Matrix using the API command.