1.1 Technical Specifications
1.1.1 Power Specifications
Power Specifications
Node Size
Node 400
Node 1000
Node 2000
Maximum Peak Output Power
415 W
1,040 W
2,080 W
Maximum Continuous Output Power *
415 W
1,040 W
1,200 W
Nominal Supply Voltage **
12-48 V DC
Maximum Supply Voltage **
60 V DC
Minimum Supply Voltage **
10 V DC
Maximum Input Current DC
9.6 A DC
24 A DC
48 A DC
Maximum Phase Current RMS
13.2 A RMS
33 A RMS
66 A RMS ****
Maximum Continuous Phase Current RMS * 13.2 A RMS
33 A RMS
36 A RMS
Efficiency (at Maximum Power)
98 %
Brake control power output
0-48 V PWM Phase D ***
Information about the maximum values can be found below
** The operating voltage is 12-48 V DC. The maximum supply voltage is only for buffering peaks when
braking. The minimum voltage is for configuration purposes only. Please refer to our
*** This is a fourth phase that can also be used for other purposes (see
) it has a maximum current of 10 A.
Details for the Maximum Continuous Phase Current and the Load cycles can be found below
Hardware Manuals / SOMANET Node / SOMANET Node rev. E.1
© 2021 Synapticon GmbH | Daimlerstraße 26 | D-71101 Schönaich Documentation v 4.10.2 | Built 2021-07-06