XXXXXX is the specific address of the site controller. This address is unique to each site controller and matches
the last 6 alphanumeric characters of the Ethernet MAC address.
When you select the SSID
and your computer attempts
to connect to the site
controller, it will prompt you
for a password to complete
the connection.
Enter the password
to establish the connection.
When this password is entered a connection is established and will
appear in your network settings similar to what is shown. This may also
appear as an “Unidentified network” with no internet access.
Logging In
Launch the Chrome browser and enter HTTPS:// in the
address bar.
Make sure it is entered exactly as shown. (This is a secure connection to a specific IP address that is the factory
default within the site controller). This connection mimics a connection to an internet access point.
You will receive a warning as shown at right. Click the
link at the bottom, then click the "Proceed to (unsafe)" link. (This warning is displayed because
the site controller is using an unsigned security certificate.)
login page should now appear in your
browser and present you with the login screen for the
site controller.
Enter the following username:
For site controllers manufactured prior to SimplySNAP 4.0, the
password will be
. This password is common to all site controllers prior to version 4.0, and after upgrading
to 4.0 you will be required to change the password on first login.
For site controllers made after version 4.0, the default user password is on a sticker on the case of the unit. This
password (labeled "User") is random and unique to your site controller, so a password change after first login is
not required.
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