SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Documentation
Overview of the LPR-1DHP system
Copyright © Symeo GmbH 2012
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Mounting position of the LPR-1DHP stations
The stations must be aligned with each other for proper measurement. In addition the
following topics must be considered:
Site-specific mounting instructions must be followed when available.
A minimum distance of 2 meters between the two system units must be maintained to
guarantee the specified accuracy.
Minimum distance of 50 cm between adjacent systems must be used to avoid cross-
The two system units must be mounted opposite to each other with less than 10 cm
horizontal or vertical offset.
The stations must be aligned with an accuracy better than +/- 2°.
The orientation of the stations must be the same, e.g. both units with LED-display
oriented to the roof or to the same wall.