CB3000 Troubleshooting
Symbol recommends the following troubleshooting tips before contacting the Support Center:
Problem Corrective
PWR LED is Off or
Verify only the supplied power adapter is used and is plugged into a power supply
appropriately rated for the country of operation.
Unplug the power adapter and re-insert it back into the power outlet. If the problem
persists, a hardware problem likely exists. Contact the Symbol Customer Support.
LAN LED is Off
Verify the cable connection is secure between the CB3000 and the PC’s LAN port.
Ensure the computer network card is functioning properly.
Configuration updates
lost or device hangs
after reboot.
Wait at least 10 seconds after changing and saving the configuration before
rebooting. If the CB3000 is hung, reset the device and implement your changes again.
CB3000 user interface
hangs and cannot be
Press Reset button on back of CB3000 unit for less than 10 seconds to reset the
device. Press Reset button for 10 seconds or more to restore the CB3000 to its factory
default configuration.
Discovery Tool Scan
function does not
display the CB3000
after changing the IP
address (using the
Discovery Tool).
Ensure the Ethernet port is set to 100Mb/full duplex on the PC/laptop. A valid IP
address is also needed on the Ethernet port in order for the Discovery Tool Scan
function to work properly. Ensure the computer’s VPN client is disabled before
performing a Scan or the Scan will not function properly.