Contents of the package
Eurit 266/266T
1 base station
1 connector cable
1 mains adapter 6 V
600 mA SSA-5W-05 EU 060060F
or 6V
600mA SSA-5AP-09 EU 060060
or 6V
600mA S004LV0600060
1 handset
2 rechargeable batteries NiMH AAA 800 mAh Model No. GP80AAAHC
3 user manuals (ger, fr, it)
Additional items for Eurit 266/266T Duo
Second handset
2 additional rechargeable batteries
Charging bay (for the second handset) with power supply
To obtain the best possible range, we recommend positioning the telephone in a location
central to your sphere of activity. Avoid positioning the telephone in niches, recesses and
behind steel doors.
The maximum range between the base station and handset is approximately 50 meters
indoors and 300 meters outdoors. Depending on the surrounding conditions as well as
spatial and structural factors, the range may be smaller. Silent zones can occur due to the
digital transmission in the frequency range used – even within the range, depending on
the structural environment. In this case the transmission quality may be reduced through
the increased incidence of short breaks in transmission. Normal call quality can be restored
if you move slightly out of the silent zone. If the range is exceeded, the call will be dis-
connected unless you move back into range within five seconds.
To avoid radio signal interference from other electronic equipment, we recommend that
the base station and handset are situated at the greatest possible distance (min. 1 meter)
from other equipment.
Setting up the telephone