©2021 Swellpro Technology Co., Limited 29
The drone relies on very sensitive sensors to control flight positioning and stability. T
he SplashDrone 4 is
flight tested before shipment; however an initial calibration of the compass sensor is required when the
drone is new or in some other circumstances.
Before operating the drone from a ship or other moving platform, ensure all necessary calibrations have
been completed before leaving land as some calibrations require a completely stable surface.
Compass Calibration
Compass calibration is necessary in any of the following situations:
The drone is brand new
The remote control prompts "WARNING Compass error - Calibrate Compass
The drone is more than 100km from the location of its last flight
The drone has been repaired
The YAW (Y) indication on the Remote control screen does not show the correct compass reading (North
= 0°, South = 180°) ±10°
The drone has subjected to strong magnetic interference
The drone has been crashed or dropped accidentally
The drone sways or drifts excessively during hover in GPS mode
Compass Calibration Process:
Place the drone on a horizontal surface. Power on the remote control then
the drone.
Quickly switch the flight mode lever backwards and forwards between the
three positions several times. When the green light on the rear arm flashes
quickly, or the remote control displays the screen prompting "Compass
Calibration Rotate The Aircraft Horizontally", the system has entered the
calibration state.
Pick up the aircraft and keep it horizontal. Rotate it clockwise 2 - 3 times
until the green light on the rear arm flashes slowly, or the remote control
screen prompts "Compass Calibration Rotate The Aircraft Vertically"
Hold the drone vertically with its nose pointing downwards and rotate it
360 degrees until the screen displays “WARNING Aircraft Initializin
Please Wait” indicating the calibration is finished.
Place the drone on a horizontal surface for 30 seconds to finish the
Once the warning message on the screen disappears, restart the drone.
Note: 1) Compass calibration needs to be performed outdoors in an open area. 2) Remove propellers and
any camera accessories before calibration. 3) Perform the calibration process away for sources of
magnetic fields, large metal structures, radio antennas, power poles or mobile phones, etc