SV 104IS USER’S MANUAL ______________________________________________________
Security lock
Please consider locking the keypad and display during the measurement to prevent the wearer
or anybody else from tampering with the measurement run. The
SV 104IS
can be set up to automatically go
into locked mode when it starts (see chapter That automatically prevents any tampering, but
the unit can still be unlocked if necessary with proper sequence of key presses.
Locking SV 104IS unit
: To lock the instrument the operator should hold the
key for
a couple of seconds
during which a countdown (“Keyboard lock” 3… 2… 1… ) is displayed and the unit
you time to decide if you really want to activate security lock. If you release the key too early,
SV 104IS
returns to the last presented
Unlocking SV 104IS unit:
To unlock the unit one has to press the keys in the correct sequence.
The sequence is pre-programmed in the configuration setup (look the chapter Note that in
case the security sequence is configured via SUPERVISOR software, the simple hold of
key for a couple of seconds
during which a countdown (“Keyboard unlock” 3… 2… 1… ) is displayed and
the unit
gives you time to decide if you really want to deactivate security lock.
Figure 4-19
Unlocking the unit sequence screens