LAMBDA 10-2 OPERATION MANUAL – REV. 2.04 (20120224)
using a long time interval (1 second) between moves to test whether the length of the
interval is contributing to the error rate.
Helpful Tips about Movement Errors
Helpful Tips about Movement Errors
Helpful Tips about Movement Errors
Helpful Tips about Movement Errors
Always determine the appropriate speed by using the same filter wheel load weight and
determine the appropriate speed by using the same filter wheel load weight and
determine the appropriate speed by using the same filter wheel load weight and
determine the appropriate speed by using the same filter wheel load weight and
timing intervals that will be required in your experimental protocol.
timing intervals that will be required in your experimental protocol.
timing intervals that will be required in your experimental protocol.
timing intervals that will be required in your experimental protocol. There is a tendency
for users to test the Lambda 10-2 in their system using little, if any, delay between
commands even though a pause occurs during an actual experiment.
If your application requires the delay between moves to be minimal
If your application requires the delay between moves to be minimal
If your application requires the delay between moves to be minimal
If your application requires the delay between moves to be minimal experiment with small
changes in the delay to find the best value and then keep the delay at that value. If your
protocol precludes you from increasing the delay, use a slower speed to eliminate the
oscillation. If you cannot use a slower speed, you must reduce the filter wheel weight to
eliminate the movement errors.
If the weight is clearly excessive for the chosen speed
If the weight is clearly excessive for the chosen speed
If the weight is clearly excessive for the chosen speed
If the weight is clearly excessive for the chosen speed select a slower speed. Make sure you
also address the question of the delay interval before you become very serious about the
speed of operation.
Remember, unless having a short delay interval is important, the solution to frequent
movement errors will usually require some compromise between having fast filter switching
speed and having the convenience of keeping many filters loaded.