Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 135
Pseudobinary B for Scheduled and Alarm Txs
Minutes longitude = 7th-byte AND 63
Seconds longitude = 8th-byte AND 63
For example BAAODAXe would be decoded as Lat 39o 1' 15" Long 77o 24' 37"
Fractional seconds are scientifically rounded.
The hemisphere is NOT encoded. One cannot tell whether the station is North
or South, East or West via pseudobinary encoding.
The Lat/Long information will be user readable. For example,
N39O1'18.48"W77O24'36.91" means a latitude of North 39 degrees, 1
minute, 18.48 seconds and longitude of W 77 degrees, 24 minutes, 36.91
COUNTER is a 2 byte binary encoded number which indicates the random
transmission number and increments after every random transmission. The
number will be between 0 and 4095.
This is an 1 byte binary encoded number representing the battery voltage of
Satlink under load during the last environmental satellite transmission.
This value is appended only if the correct Append Option is selected.
If the battery reading is zero, then that is the first transmission since bootup.
The range of the Pseudobinary number is -32 to +31 and can be converted to
volts by multiplying by 0.234 and adding 10.6 allowing a range of 3.1 to 18.1