Chapter 5: Software
5.2 Driver Installation
The Supermicro website contains drivers and utilities for your system at
. Some of these must be installed, such as the chipset driver.
After accessing the website, go into the CDR_Images (in the parent directory of the above
link) and locate the ISO file for your motherboard. Download this file to a USB flash drive or
a DVD. (You may also use a utility to extract the ISO file if preferred.)
Another option is to go to the Supermicro website at
Find the product page for your motherboard, and
"Download the Latest Drivers and Utilities"
Insert the flash drive or disk, and the screenshot shown below should appear.
Figure 5-3. Driver and Tool Installation Screen
Click the icons showing handwriting on paper to view the readme files for each item.
Click the computer icons to the right of these items to install each item (from top to the bottom)
one at a time.
After installing each item, you must reboot the system before moving on
to the next item on the list.
The bottom icon with a CD on it allows you to view the entire