H13DSH User's Manual
Supermicro KMS Server Configuration
Supermicro KMS Server IP address
Enter IP4 address in dotted-decimal notation.
Second Supermicro KMS Server IP address
Enter IP4 address in dotted-decimal notation.
Supermicro KMS TCP Port number
Enter Supermicro KMS TCP port number. The default value is
KMS Time Out
KMS Server connecting time-out, unit is second, in the range of 5~30 seconds. The default
value is
Supermicro KMS Server Retry Count
Test connection to key manage server range is 0~10. 0 means retrying infinitely. Others mean
retry-count. The default value is
Enter the correct timezone. The default value is
TCG Nvme KMS Policy
The options include Normal Unlock,
Do Nothing
, Reset All Devices and Delete Key Id List.
Client UserName
Use this setting to enter the client identity. Choose a username 0~63 characters long.
Client Password
Use this setting to enter the client password. Choose a password 0~31 characters long.
KMS TLS Certificate / Size
CA Certificate
Enroll factory defaults or load the KMS TLS certificates from the file. The options include
Update, Delete and Export.
Client Certificate
Enroll factory defaults or load the KMS TLS certificates from the file. The options include
Update, Delete and Export.