Superior Signal Company LLC
1000 User’s Manual
© 2015
Large industrial processing plants check critical moving machinery
(bearings) on a routine basis. Many firms have spent tens of thousands of
dollars on vibration analysis instrumentation to help detect these hidden
problems. Because of its high frequency capabilities many other companies use
ultrasonic detection as an alternative, or even a complement to this equipment.
While vibration analyzers work in the lower Hertz frequency range, the
detects sound in the kilo hertz range which is much higher. When a
bearing begins to fail, changes occur in the ultrasonic (kilohertz) range before
they can be detected with traditional vibration monitoring equipment.
Bearings... The First Test
The first test is very important!
This is the reading that all future tests will be
based on.
With some experience you will be able to compare two similar bearings and
identify the sound of a good bearing from a worn one by just using your ear.
When several months pass between tests, however, it is very important to log
your results.
To take a reading on a mechanical system, such as a bearing or gear box, you
must use the touch probe attachment. Touch the end of the probe to the outer
housing of the gear box or bearing, making a good contact. Do not press very
hard at any given point when collecting data. Use just enough force to keep the
tip of the probe in place, and try to be consistent with the amount of pressure you
use. It is often effective to use only the weight of the AccuTrak
itself to hold the
tip in place.
Adjust the sensitivity so that the intensity meter reads less than half. This gives
you room on the display for future readings.
As the bearing wears the ultrasonic sound intensity will increase. Future
readings can indicate the extent of this wear.
When testing bearings or other moving machinery it is important to:
1. Record your volume and sensitivity settings.
2. Record the level on the alphanumeric display.
3. Record or mark the test point where the level was taken.
By recording these things you have the most accurate and repeatable test
possible. Although the sound of a moving machine member may fluctuate, the
built in peak hold feature will allow you to assign a number to the
sound level emanating from the item being tested. Use this number to compare
to future tests.