Before installing the fire, check the flue using a smoke pellet. All of the smoke should travel up the flue and exit correctly from the ter-
minal. If problems are found, DO NOT fit the fire until corrective action is completed. Protect the decorative hearth whilst pushing the
firebox in and out of the opening. Part of the packaging will make an ideal hearth saver pad. Before running the gas supply into the open-
ing, offer up the firebox to the fireplace to check the fit is good. Angle the firebox as shown in figure 9 or adjust the spigot outlet as
described in part 10.0 of these instructions. Ensure that it slides in correctly, the sealing face sits flat and square to the wall or infill panel,
and that the base is firm on the floor of the opening as no leaks are permissible here.
At this stage it is essential to ensure that the spigot outlet of the fire is not restricted in any way. Remove the firebox and take any nec-
essary measurements before making good and preparing for final installation.
: For fixing of the fire by the cable method, see the relevant section. The cable fixing locations should be marked on
the back of the opening and the holes drilled. Fit the wall plugs and eyebolts to these holes.
For fixing by screw, mark and drill the fireframe or base, and the relevant points in the opening or on the wall. wall
plugs will again be required. Pre-punched holes are not provided for this purpose to allow you to choose the optimum positions.
Following preparation for the fixing method, the concealed gas supply, where required, can now be put into place. Refer
to the gas supply section for suggested pipe routes. The ends of the sleeving in which the gas pipe is run should be sealed. The ends of
the 8mm supply pipe should be temporarily sealed to prevent the ingress of debris during fixing.
When the opening is ready for installation of the fire, the gas supply may be routed as per the examples shown in figure 9.
IMPORTANT - Wherever a concealed connection is made a rubber grommet must be used to seal the firebox.
The gas pipe must be suitably protected where it passes through fireplace openings. Any sleeving should be sealed to the pipe at its ends.
This appliance is fitted with an inlet restrictor elbow. Using 8mm diameter pipe, connect the appliance to the gas supply point. The appli-
ance must be fitted with rigid or semi-rigid pipe of 8mm external diameter. The appliance is factory fitted with an inlet restrictor elbow.
Use a minimum length of 8mm pipe, less than 1.5m where possible, as a long run of pipe may cause an unacceptable drop in the supply
The open end of the supply pipe should be sealed temporarily during the installation of the firebox to prevent the ingress of dirt and
Radiant models only :
To fit the firebox, first check the firebox fits correctly into the opening. For openings
between 545mm and 565mm in height it will be necessary to insert the upper part
of the firebox first, followed by the lower as shown in figure 10.
If it is still not possible to fit the firebox into the opening then remove the outlet
deflector screws using a screwdriver, bend the outlet deflector down and partly
insert the firebox.
Now push the outlet deflector back up to the original
under the lip of the fireplace opening and secure with the screws.
The fire is designed to operate correctly with the spigot raised and screwed in its
original position and spillage problems may arise by not realigning correctly once fit-
ted.Secure the firebox by drilling and screwing down the frame or base of the fire-
box, or use the cable fixing method.
2011 Focal Point Fires plc.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Radiant models
Manual control
Slide control
Fireplace opening
Not to scale
Remote control