Figure 17A
Figure 17B
Figure 17C
Figure 17D
The fireplace comes equipped with a heat activated blower. It is located
in the bottom of the fireplace, towards the front. It uses 120V and must
be connected to the main electrical circuit by a qualified electrician. For
connection, use the electrical box supplied with the unit located on the
bottom right corner of the fireplace.
If you wish to adjust the blower speed, the variable speed control (VRUW)
provided must be installed in line with the wiring. Again, use a qualified
electrician for installation.
If the blower requires servicing,
1. De-energize the power to the unit at its source.
2. Open the door
Figure 17A and 17B
3. Remove both andirons from inside the firebox
Figure 17A
4. Remove the bottom refractory panels
(pieces 1 and 2,
Figure 6, Page 8
Remove the 14 Cap screws with a 5/32 Allen Key
Figure 17B
5. Unplug the blower
Figure 17C
6. Remove the 5/16” head head capture screw located at the front of the
blower assembly
Figure 17C
7. The blower is located at the front of the unit; magnets on the bottom
of the assembly are captured on tabs that extend down through the
bottom insulation shield.
7. Rotate the blower forward and remove it from underneath the firebox
Figure 17D
. Disconnect the insulated quick connects from the motor
terminals and attach to the new motor assembly. Re-install in reverse
Open Door
Remove Andirons
Remove (14) 10-24 screws with a 5/32" Allen Drive
Remove (14) 10-24 Screws
with a 5/32” Allen Drive.
Unplug the
Remove capture screw
Figure 8 Rotate teh Blower and Remove entire Sub-Assembly
Rotate the Blower and Remove
entire Sub-Assembly