General Information
900960-00C, 06/2019
Innovative Hearth Products
DRT3500-C Series Direct-Vent Gas Fireplaces
All models include
The assembled vented gas fireplace heater is packaged with:
• Literature Kit (bag in bottom compartment containing Installation and Operation Instructions (this manual), Hot
Glass Safety Flyer, and Safety-In-Operation Warning Labels)
• U-Shaped Vent Restrictor (attached to Literature Kit bag)
• Remote Control
• 1 Non-combustible board, 2 side brackets and 1 center bracket
• 1 Header shield
• 1 Wall Heatshield (35” models only - bend wall Heatshield as shown in
Figure 25A, Page 32
• 1 Oak Log Set
• 1
Bag of Glowing Embers (in bottom compartment)
• 1
Bag of Platinum Embers (in bottom compartment)
• 1
Horizontal Vent Restrictor
• Elbow shield (2 x shields and 4 screws)
These vented gas fireplace heaters are sealed combustion, air-circulating gas fireplaces designed for residential and
commercial applications.
Electronic fireplaces are designed with an electronic intermittent pilot ignition system. External electrical power is
required to operate these units. In the event of a power outage, four (4) AA batteries (in battery holder) provide
backup power for fireplace operation (excluding the blower).
NOTE: Installation and repair should be done by a qualified service person. The fireplace should be inspected before
use and at least annually by a professional service person. More frequent cleaning may be required due to excessive
lint from carpeting, bedding material, etcetera. It is imperative that control compartment, burners and circulating air
passageways of the fireplace be kept clean.
Remarqué : L’installation et la réparation devrait être confiées à un technicien qualifié. L’appareil devrait faire
l’objet d’une inspection par un technicien professionnel avant d’être utilisé et au moins une fois l’an par la suite.
Des nettoyages plus fréquents peuvent être nécessaires si les tapis, la literie, et cetera produisent une quantité
importante de pous-sière. Il est essentiel que les compartiments abritant les commandes, les brûleurs et les
conduits de circulation d’air de l’appareil soient tenus propres.
NOTE: Diagrams and illustrations are not necessarily shown to scale.
Approved Vent Components
These fireplaces are designed, tested and listed for operation and installation with the following vent components
• Secure Vent
Direct-Vent System Components,
• Secure Flex
Flexible Vent Components, and
Model GA Venting Systems listed to UL1777 and ULCS635 manufactured by Flexmaster Canada
Use only the correct size venting (4-1/2” inner and 7-1/2” outer).
These approved vent system components are labeled for identification. DO NOT use any other manufacturer’s vent
components with these fireplaces.
Codes and Standards
These fireplaces comply with National Safety Standards and are tested and listed by PFS Corporation (Report No.
F13-094) to ANSI Z21.88 (in Canada, CSA-2.33), and CAN/CGA-2.17-M91 in both USA and Canada, as vented gas
fireplace heaters.
These fireplaces are listed for installation in bedrooms and manufactured homes.
The installation must conform to local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
Z223.1/NFPA 54—latest edition (In Canada, the current CAN/CGA-B149.1 installation code).
The fireplace, when installed, must be electrically grounded and wired in accordance with local codes or, in the
absence of local codes, with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70—latest edition, or the Canadian Electrical
Code, CSA C22.1—latest edition.