Dangerous voltages, currents, temperatures, and energy levels exist within this
unit, on certain accessible terminals, and in the servo motor(s) and motor
wiring. Caution should be exercised when installing and applying this product.
Only qualified personnel should attempt to utilize, install or operate this
product. It is essential that proper electrical practices, applicable electrical
codes, and the contents of this manual be followed.
Servo motors develop high torque and speed. Precautionary measures should
be used prior to performing any mechanical work or applying power to the
unit. Proper preparations should be made ie. installation of limit switches, use
of Following Error (in the Servo controller), power removal guards, etc. to
avoid injury due to motor run away, motor oscillations, improper servo loop
gains, etc..
Servo motors can have temperatures of up to or exceeding 100
C. Use caution
when handling the motors. Where appropriate, guards should be used to
prevent inadvertent contact with the motors.
Superior Electric reserves the right to make engineering refinements on all its products. Such refinements may affect
information given in instructions, Therefore, USE ONLY THE INSTRUCTIONS THAT ARE PACKED WITH THE
Superior Electric
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