Glider user's manual
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Taking a good care of your light wing
SUPAIR takes the greatest care in the design of your wing, but we would like to remind you that a "light" wing is usually more fragile than a classic wing.
To ensure a lot of flight and your glider's optimal durability, we will recommend some specials daly cares as follow :
• Restrict use of your light wing for ground "playing" and learning exercises. From experts' investigation, one hour of Inflate training with a light wing is using it like 6 hours of
• NEVER let drag your light wing while carrying it
• Don't expose your light wing to the sand and salt
• Never storage your wing in a wet place
• Never storage your wing in a hot place, 30°C is the maximum
• Save your wing from any wet (dew, rain, sweat...) while carrying it.
• Restrict use of your light wing for aerobatic maneuvers who increase the load factor (360°, wing over...)
• Choose a proper folding who preserve the leading edge rushes
Washing and glider maintenance
It is a good idea to wash your glider from time to time. We recommend using sponge or soft hair brush and a non aggressive water-soluble cleaning agent (such as baby soap).
We will recommend wing inspections to be conducted at regular intervals:
- Repair eventual small fabric damages ( holes smaller than a 1Euro coin or 1 US. 25 cents coin ) with the small rounded sticky ripstop pieces included in your repair kit.
- Empty out the cells/caissons from sand, pebbles, grass, leaves, etc...
Storage and transport
When not using your glider store it inside your paragliding rucksack in a dry cool and clean place protected from UV exposure. If your harness is wet please dry thoroughly
before storing. If your glider is wet or humid, dry it thoroughly first.
Keep all metal parts away from corrosive elements.
Product longevity
Irrespective of pre-flight checks, your glider must be serviced regularly and in accordance with its maintenance schedule. We will recommend
for the wing to be inspected once a year or every one hundred (100) hours, whichever comes first, and more specifically have the following points
checked :
• Lines (no excessive wear no breakages or folds) maillons and carabiners
• Materials selected for the SAVAGE ensure the best compromise for lightness and longevity. However in certain conditions such as exposure
to UV or abrasion or exposure to chemical products the glider must be submitted to a thorough inspection by a qualified facility. Your safety
depends on it!
• Carabiners must be replaced every five (5) years by identically rated and certified models recommended by the manufacturer (SUPAIR).