Warranty for Main Unit and Hub
20.1 Warranty for the Julia
CookingPal electrical products and CookingPal
products with batteries are warranted by Smart
Product Concepts Ltd. for a period of 2 years to
be free from any manufacturing defect in materials
or workmanship, starting from the initial date of
purchase by you, the original purchaser, from
CookingPal authorized channels.
20.2 Warranty for
CookingPal product Accessories are warranted
by Smart Product Concepts Ltd. for a period of 6
months to be free from any manufacturing defect in
materials or workmanship, starting from the initial
date of purchase by you, the original purchaser, from
CookingPal authorized channels.
20.3 Make a Warranty Claim
To make a Warranty claim please contact Vorwerk’s
To make a Warranty claim please contact Vorwerk’s
Customer service via email at XXX or call XXX during
Customer service via email at XXX or call XXX during
the Warranty Period to obtain a box and mailing label
the Warranty Period to obtain a box and mailing label
(limited to customers residing within the continental
(limited to customers residing within the continental
U.S., Alaska & Hawaii). For details see our website:
U.S., Alaska & Hawaii). For details see our website:
XXX. This Warranty is conditioned upon presentation
XXX. This Warranty is conditioned upon presentation
of your order number and the return of the Covered
of your order number and the return of the Covered
Products. California consumers only: California law
Products. California consumers only: California law
provides that for in-warranty service, California
provides that for in-warranty service, California
residents have the option to return the Product to
residents have the option to return the Product to
(A) the retail store location where the Product was
(A) the retail store location where the Product was
purchased or (B) to another retail store location that
purchased or (B) to another retail store location that
sells the Product.
sells the Product.