PART NO. 690963 REV: A-01
It is safest to leave the boat in the over-center position.
Be sure the Sun Lift remains level at all four corners. Out of level installations may cause lift failure and
personal injury. All four corners must be within
of each other.
If a Sun Lift is located near an area where swimmers are prone to diving into the water (such as off of a
boathouse), make sure they are aware of the location of the Sun Lift when boat is not present, and lift is
hidden under water.
Do not use your Powerpack for storage purposes. Articles or tools in the box could cause damage to the
pump or electrical system..
Note that the weight of the boat on the lift for the first time may cause it to settle. Therefore, great care and
precaution should be taken when lifting for the first few times until you are certain the lift is stabilized. Make
sure everyone in the immediate area is aware during this process, and is not in close proximity to the lift
(especially not in the water near the lift!)
The Catwalk accessory is not designed to hold people. Do not stand or walk on the catwalk.
Do not disconnect quick-disconnect hydraulics with a boat loaded on the lift nor in the over-center position. It
is difficult to re-attach the hoses if the hoses are pressurized.
Do not power boat on lift. Lower lift so boat glides into position. Boat must be in neutral to minimize risk to
propeller. Lift is not designed to react to loads from boat engine (s).
Safety tip: Use your remote control to raise bunks out of the water after departing, therefore allowing swim-
mers to see location of lift.