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The Micro Welder Experts
Temperature Alarm
If the CDDP-A’s internal temperature exceeds the limit set by the operator this alarm
will appear. Tolerances can be adjusted in the Alarms screen; however, it recommend-
ed that you first determine if operation should cease allowing the unit to cool.
Trigger in Pause
If the CDDP-A’s weld state is off and the unit receives a trigger, this warning will appear
letting you know that despite the trigger the weld head did not actuate. Touch the
Dismiss button. If you wish to actuate a weld, change the weld state to on.
Trigger Input Error
If the CDDP-A receives a trigger signal from an unselected source this warning will
appear as a protection mechanism designed to prevent accidental triggers. Touch the
Dismiss button. Inspect all cables, weld settings, and the work area before continuing
Weld Count Preset Limit
Once the number of welds reaches the limit defined by the operator this warning will
appear. To continue operating touch the Dismiss button.
Weld Head Trigger Timeout
This warning will appear letting you know that despite a trigger the weld head did not
actuate within the expected time. Touch the Dismiss button. Verify weld settings, the
electrode path, cables, and the work piece and the try again. If the problem persists
contact Sunstone’s customer service team for immediate assistance.
Welder Cooled
If the welder becomes overheated, wait for CDDP-A to cool and display this message.
Touch the Dismiss button, verify you operating under safe conditions, and then con-
tinue. Feel free to contact Sunstone’s customer service team if the CDDP-A continues
to overheat.
Welder is Overheated
If the CDDP-A exceeds safe operating temperatures this warning will appear. The CD-
DP-A will enter an emergency stop active mode and you will not be able to continue
operation until the unit cools. If you press the Dismiss button the welder will not func-
tion until the unit has cooled. If you do nothing, this message will automatically close
when the welder reaches a safe operating temperature. Check weld settings, the work
piece, and the work space and verify you operating under safe circumstances before
continuing operation.
NOTE: This unit may experience communication problems, including problems between the user interface and
the internal hardware. These problems are rare, but they will occasionally occur when the unit is used in an elec-
trically noisy environment. If communication problems do arise, a power cycle will usually resolve this problem.
Simply turn the machine off, wait 30 seconds, and power the machine back up. If the error persists, the unit may
need to be sent in for servicing.