Charger Operation
Charge only EcoSharp
iBAT40 lithium-ion
battery packs in compatible EcoSharp
iCHRG40 lithium-ion
battery chargers. Other types of batteries may cause personal
injury and damage.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not allow water to flow
into the charger's AC/DC plug.
When to Charge the EcoSharp
Lithium-Ion Battery
The EcoSharp
iBAT40 lithium-ion battery packs do
not develop a "memory" when charged after only a partial
discharge. Therefore, it is not necessary to run down the
battery pack before placing it into the charger.
• Use the battery charge indicator lights to determine when to
charge your EcoSharp
iBAT40 lithium-ion battery pack.
• You can "top-off" your battery pack's charge before starting
a big job or after a long day of use.
Charging the Battery
1. Pull the push lock button on the battery to pull the battery
pack up and out of the equipment (Fig. 3).
2. Check that the mains voltage is the same as that marked
on the rating plate of the battery charger. Then, insert the
charger's plug into the electrical wall outlet. When you
plug in the charger, the top green light will illuminate and
stay green (Fig. 4).
3. Place the battery pack into the charger by sliding the
pack as shown to lock it into position. When you insert
the battery into the charger, the bottom red light will
illuminate to indicate that the battery is charging
(Fig. 5).
4. When the bottom light turns green, the battery is fully
charged (Fig. 5)
Fig. 3
Battery pack
Push lock button
Fig. 4
Power on
Fig. 5
Fully charged