This guide provides a general instruction of the installation procedures of
In no case shall this guide substitute for the user manual or related notes on
the device.
Make sure to read over, fully understand and strictly follow the detailed
instructions of the user manual and other related regulations before installing
the equipment. The user manual can be downloaded by visiting the website
at http://support.sungrowpower.com/; or it can be obtained by scanning the
QR code on the side of the equipment or the back cover of the Quick
Any violation could result in personal death or injury or device damage.
1 Unpacking and Inspection
Step 1
Remove the backplate and fasteners from the packaging.
Step 2
Inspect the converter for visible damages and check the
completeness of the delivery contents according to the inner
packing list.
Contact your supplier if any of the contents is missing. The converter
is unavailable if any damage is detected.