The procedures for installing Solaris 8 (10/00) onto the Netra X1 Server from a
network install server are described in the Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide (806-
0957-10) supplied with the Solaris 8 (10/00) CDs. However, there are some software
updates that are specific to the Netra X1 Server, and you must install these onto the
system you are using as the network install server. This section tells you how to do
Note –
The instructions in these Product Notes were written subsequently to the
instructions in the Netra X1 Server User’s Guide (806-5980-10). They supersede the
note in Chapter 6 of the user guide which states that, if you are reinstalling Solaris,
you must reinstall the LOM software from the Solaris supplementary CD. Note that,
when you follow the instructions in these Product Notes, you do not need to
reinstall the LOM software from the Solaris supplementary CD. The LOM software
for the Netra X1 Server is included amongst the software updates that you will
download from the Sun download service when you follow the instructions below.
Downloading the Netra X1 Software Updates on
to the Network Install Server
1. At the system you are going to use as the network install server, make a directory
by typing:
2. Use a web browser to go to
and, in the Downloads
section on this web page, click on “Netra X1 Software Drivers”.
(If you have not used the download service before, you will be invited to register
before proceeding.)
3. When prompted, log into the download service. Then, to perform the download,
click “Download Netra X1 Driver Software” and save the packages to the
following directory:
The file you are downloading is called
. (The
last two digits in the name of this file represent the file’s version number at the time of
writing. Because this file is likely to be updated, the final two digits in the name of the
file you download may be higher than -02. This indicates that you are downloading
the most recent version of the software updates for the Netra X1 Server.) The file
contains the dmfe Ethernet and Lights Out Management (LOM) packages that are
specific to the Netra X1 platform. It also contains the patches listed in Table 1.
# mkdir -m 755 /var/tmp/netra-x1