L300180 Iss:A
Wall mounted
Installation steps
Find a suitable mounting position. The wall bracket MUST be fitted to a
load bearing wall of masonry or concrete material capable of
supporting the weight of the bracket, unit, tank and full load of stored
water. For this reason the unit SHOULD NEVER BE MOUNTED TO A
STUD OR PARTITION WALL. (Refer to Section 11.7 for details of
unit working weights).
Mark the centre fixing position on the wall allowing for the height of the
unit below the ceiling level (650mm min).
Drill the centre fixing hole to the correct
size for the masonry fastener to be
used and install the first fastener.
Offer the main bracket body to the wall
and fix tightly to the wall (after levelling
the bracket) and mark the remainder of
the fixing positions.
Remove the bracket from the wall (or
rotate out of the way), drill and fit the
remaining four wall fixing positions.
Offer the main bracket body to the wall
again, level / align correctly and tighten
the bracket into position using the
correct torque for the fixings being