© STULZ Tecnivel – all rights reserved
EN/11.2020 Technical data subject to modifications
Air Handlers Units
ClimaPac Series
5. Commissioning
The unit must be installed and connected in accordance with the chapter on
“installation” before initial commissioning.
We recommend to carefully read the installation and maintenance manuals of the different
components assembled in the UTA (in particular the instructions regarding the settings and
the start-up) before starting the unit.
Previous checks and settings
Before proceeding with the commissioning of the unit, the verifications and / or actions listed in the
following table must be carried out.
Important information is to be found in the manuals of the different components installed in the air
handling unit.
Verifications/ previous actions
Task type
Previous check
Electrical connections (fan + frequency converter, if applicable) are correctly made with the
appropriate supply voltage and the earthing is made,
Transport brackets are removed (Plug-fan AC),
They are clean, without visible damage and no foreign body prevents them to work properly.
Evaporative humidifiers
Previous check
Electrical connections (pump + level switch, if applicable) are correctly made with the
appropriate supply voltage and the earthing is made,
They are clean, without visible damage and no foreign body prevents them to work properly,
Water supply is properly connected and free of particles that may prevent the correct entry
of water,
Draining is provided with a siphon and free of particles or contamination.
Supplied water has the required characteristics.
Fill the water sump and adjust water level 3 cm under the overflow level, using the float valve
(models with recirculated water).
Adjust the irrigation flow regulation valves of the evaporative pads,
Adjust the regulation valve of continuous purge/deconcentrating
(models with recirculated
Remove the inorganic material/dust on the panels.
Fill the siphon with water.
Previous check
They are clean, without visible damage and no foreign body prevents them to work properly,
The open/closed mechanism works smoothly.