Important Concept of Line Array:
In the case of normal loudspeakers, as sound travels, its SPL (Sound Pressure Level) falls by 6dB for every
doubling of distance. In the case of a Line Array the fall in SPL is 3dB for every doubling of distance up to a
certain distance called transition point. Beyond that the fall in SPL is 6dB for every doubling of distance as in
the case of normal loudspeakers.
The transition point is dependent on the length of the line array. Longer the array, further away is the transition
point. Therefore if near equal SPL is desired spanning the front row to the last row, it is recommended to have
more numbers of SLA 40T enclosures stacked vertically in spiral formation.
Fly Bars & Quick Release Pins.
SLA40 Kit:
The SLA40 Kit is set of essential
hardware required for rigging & flying this line
array system. It consist of ultra durable Flybars /
Array Frames & Quick Release Pins
(Push-Pull Bullets). This kit makes flying the
SLA40 Series a child’s play.
2. Features at a Glance
• Higher direct to reverberant ratio due to the directional nature of the system.
• Increased feedback rejection due to directionality in vertical plane & therefore more acoustic gain available.
• Frequency response is uniform over the coverage area.
• Because of increased HF throw of the system, need for delay stacks is eliminated or reduced.
• Even sound pressure level can be achieved over the entire listening area by proper articulation of the vertical
array formed by SLA 40.
• More stage space available as SLA 40 arrays are flown.
3. Configuring & Setting-Up
SLA 40T enclosures can be flown or ground stacked. For small venues or temporary/rental installations where flying
SLA 40T may not be possible, these can be ground stacked on top of its sub-woofer SLA 40S.
When ground stacked, the SLA 40T enclosures are generally kept straight i.e., all enclosures have 0° tilt without any
splay. Two to four SLA 40T enclosures may be adequate for small venues. A pair (in Left & Right placement) of this
set-up i.e., two to four SLA 40T with one SLA 40S will provide very even coverage and used for stereo reproduction of
program as well.
As a thumb rule for every four nos. of SLA 40T one SLA 40S subwoofer should be employed. When multiple
sub-woofers are used it is better to stack these together for coherent lows. The location of the sub-woofers should be
beneath the stage and centrally positioned.