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Strong Enterprises Owner’s Manual. Dual Hawk Tandem System -
Revision L: 1/16
2.3 Operator Pre-Jump Inspection
Prior to donning the system, perform an airworthiness inspection.
Check the front side:
• Risers:
Check that RSL is attached and properly routed. Examine 3-ring and ensure that only
one small ring is routed through each larger ring. Make sure none of the rings are bent. Ensure
the red loop runs through only the smallest ring, then through the grommet, then through the
end of the cable housing and the cutaway cable runs through the red loop. Make sure there are
no twists in the red loop.
• Cutaway Handle and Secondary Drogue Release:
Make sure handle is snug in pocket.
Check that Velcro© locations are clean and handle is firmly held in place. Make sure secondary
drogue release cable is properly routed through metal loop attached to cutaway handle. Make
sure that metal loop lanyard is properly routed on outside of pocket.
• Primary Drogue Release:
Make sure primary (student) drogue release ripcord is secured.
• Reserve Ripcord:
Make sure handle is snug in pocket. Check that Velcro© locations are clean
and handle is firmly held in place.
• Harness:
Check to ensure that the webbing is not damaged. Check the chest strap hardware
and the leg strap hardware for rust that might inhibit function and/or damage webbing. Pay
close attention to the B-12 snaps on the leg straps, snap the gate open and closed to ensure the
spring is still effective and the gate is not bent preventing complete closure.
Check the back side:
• AAD:
Make sure AAD is turned on. Visually confirm that the LCD screen is reading what is
specified by the manufacture to be correct for Tandem jumping.
• Reserve Container:
Examine that the ripcord pins are seated correctly and seal is not broken.
Check the Data card to make sure reserve is in date. Make sure RSL ring is between the two
guide rings. Pull slack from cable toward ripcord pins.
• Main Container:
Make sure the flex-pin is routed correctly starting at drogue riser and passing
through housing to exit near first grommet. Ensure both main closing loops are around flex-pin
and in good condition.
• Drogue Riser:
Ensure drogue bridle and ring are faced in the correct direction and that the
assembled 3-ring is properly routed with only one small ring routed through each larger ring.
Make sure thru-loop only goes through small ring, and each drogue release cable only passes
through one loop on the thru-loop.
• Drogue Bridle Routing:
Check that bridle is free of twists and routed properly.
• Drogue:
Check that drogue is fit snugly in pouch. Test that the drogue is properly packed by
pulling on drogue pud. Ensure that the whole drogue moves with the pud and does not unravel.
Reseat the Velcro© securely.
Should you notice any problems, the system should not be used until properly inspected by a
certified rigger or equivalent and issues or problems are resolved.