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Strong Enterprises Owner’s Manual. Dual Hawk Tandem System -
Revision L: 1/16
1.4.3 Main Deployment System
The main deployment system consists of the drogue and bridle, the main deployment bag, and the
main canopy. Drogue and Bridle
The drogue chute incorporates a hemispherical design with an open diameter of
3 feet. A deployment handle (drogue pud) is located at the apex. The drogue is
designed to create enough drag to keep the tandem pair in a steady belly to earth
free fall position while slowing the descent rate to 120 mph. This ensures a more
stable free fall and keeps the tandem pair falling at approximately the same rate as
an individual skydiver. As well as giving the student a more accurate representation
of a solo skydive. The drogue is attached to the main canopy by a 13 ft bridle made
of 1-1/2 inch Kevlar, with a deflation system that runs from the apex of the drogue
canopy to the main canopy bridle attachment point. When either drogue release is
pulled the drogue remains inflated pulling the main deployment bag and canopy
fully from the pack tray. By keeping the drogue inflated throughout the process we
avoid an exaggerated “trap door” effect and keep positive force from the drogue to the
risers throughout deployments. The deflation line only collapses the drogue once the canopy is free
of the deployment bag and opening. This works the same as a solo parachute system again giving
the student the most realistic training possible. Once the main canopy begins to inflate the drogue
is deflated to avoid unnecessary stress to the top of the main canopy while in flight and extends the
life of both main canopy and drogue. Main Deployment Bag
The ALS (Anti Line Slump) main deployment bag eliminates line slump
(also known as line dump) on deployment while allowing the use of rubber
bands to stow the lines. Once the drogue has pulled the ALS bag from
the pack tray the ALS bag releases one line stow at a time keeping the
lines under constant, uniform tension. This constant, uniform tension
keeps the deployment symmetrical and helps to minimize malfunctions
caused by line dump and lop-sided openings. The inner flap keeps the bag
closed while the lines are deploying thus ensuring a properly sequenced
deployment. Main Canopy
The main canopy is constructed and tested to handle loads
up to 500 lbs. Strong Enterprises offers four main tandem
canopies; the Master Main, the T-520, the SET-400, and the
SET-366. In addition tests have been conducted and proven other
manufacturers main canopies to be compatible when used with
Strong Enterprises risers and main deployment bags. For the
complete list see the most current “Approved Components List”
available on the website. All Strong Enterprises main canopies
can be ordered with Spectra, HMA, or Vectran lines. The main
steering toggles have three loop positions to allow instructor and
student to each control the canopy without excessive stretching
or reaching. For more technical information about Strong
Enterprises main canopies please see the following chart.