Finding a Remedy
Troubleshooting Issues and Solutions
Page 77
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• Solution: Decrease the separation start speed of the burn-in region. Alternatively, a
CSV override is used to carefully control settings on a per layer basis. This allows for
effective control of layer thicknesses, and separation speeds which are directly related
to experienced forces.
5. Solid or cured residue in tray.
• Solid material within the resin tray can affect build job quality and result in part failures.
When the size of the solid pieces exceeds the build job layer height (which is generally
the case as we default to 100um layers) the pieces can become wedged between the
interface glass and the build job. This will prevent the build head from driving down to
the desired position. The result is an increase in layer thickness that can cause
unwanted material layer lines if the projector exposure duration is able to cure through
the additional thickness. Complete or partial delamination can result if the projector
exposure duration is unable to cure through the additional thickness.
• Solution: Inspect the tray for any solid residue and filter the resin if any is found.