Finding a Remedy
Troubleshooting Issues and Solutions
Page 76
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6. Solid or cured residue in the tray.
• Solid material within the resin tray can affect build job quality and result in part failures.
When the size of the solid pieces exceeds the build job layer height (which is generally
the case as we default to 100um layers) the pieces can become wedged between the
interface glass and the build job. This will prevent the build head from driving down to
the desired position. The result is an increase in layer thickness that can cause
unwanted material layer lines if the projector exposure duration is able to cure through
the additional thickness. Complete or partial delamination can result if the projector
exposure duration is unable to cure through the additional thickness.
• Solution: Inspect the tray for any solid residue. Filter the resin if any is found.
Solutions for Part Delamination Issues
Issue: Printed part has complete or partial delamination. Delaminations is defined as a
clean break at the interface of two layers. Delaminations always have a clean, straight, or
non-jagged break.
Possible Root Causes: Insufficient projector exposure duration in the model region,
Insufficient projector exposure delay in the model region, Insufficient separation distance in
the model region, separation forces are too high, or solid or cured residue in tray.
1. Insufficient model region projector exposure duration.
• Any given layer requires sufficient projector exposure duration to ensure adhesion to
the previous layer.
• Solution: increase model region projector exposure duration.
2. Insufficient model region projector exposure delay time.
• Projector exposure delay times affect the thickness of any given layer. Lower projector
exposure delay times result in thicker layers, while longer projector exposure delay
times will result in thinner layers down to a minimum thickness. If the first layer
projector exposure delay time is too short, first layer adhesion issues resulting in a
thicker first layer which is unable to be cured through may occur.
• Solution: Increase model region projector exposure delay time.
3. Insufficient separation distance in the model region.
• The separation distance allows for proper separation of the layer from the Teflon while
also permitting proper resin to flow into the area previously occupied by the cured layer.
If the separation distance is too low, partial separation from the Teflon membrane may
result. This can then result in either a partial or complete delamination.
• Solution: Increase separation distance in the model region.
4. Separation forces too high.
• Three important factors in separation force are the viscosity of the resin, the stickiness
of the resin in the green state, and the proximity of the part or build head to the
interface glass. Separation forces are generally highest on the first few layers, and they
decrease as the layers advance. The only exception to this general trend is if a full
build area “brick” is being printed. In this case, the separation force remains fairly
consistent throughout the build job. If separation forces are too high on the first layer, it
is possible that the layer will detach or delaminate from the previous layer.