2) Main Menu
To exit the introduction screen, just touch the screen and swap to the Main Menu.
On the Main Menu, you can select to go to the “Operation mode”, the “Profile setting mode” or the “Basic setting mode”,
by pushing the corresponding text. Push on General Information to go back to the introduction screen.
Lock function:
From the main menu, the operator can lock the complete system to prevent unauthorized operation by pushing the left
down side corner for about 5 seconds. By pushing this touch-area, the system will automatically swap to the operation
screen, where the start/stop buttons will be disabled. To return from the “operation run/stop lock” screen, push again the
left down side corner for about 5 seconds.
In Lock mode, the operators still have the possibility to swap to the all channels trend, by pushing the text “TO TREND”.
Touching the trend screen just anywhere, returns you to the “RUN/STOP LOCK” screen.
3) Profile settings
a) Push the “PROFILE SETTING” text to swap to the Profile Setting menu, where
you can start setting the profile of channel number 1.
*Note that for all channels except channel 1, the operator can select whether that
channel is unused, a programmer, or a slave (of the previous programmer). Due to
this possibility, the system can have one programmer with five slaves, six individual
programmers or just every combination in between.
On the profile setting screen, there are five parameters that can be set for each step.
First select the step you want to set by touching the step number. The keypad will
pop-up and you can select the step you want to program, from step 1 to step 8.
Always start your program in step number one!
Next, program the target set point for that step, ramp to set point in deg. per hour
and soak time in minutes. Use the small “soak time help” to calculate your minutes
and save them in the soak time by pushing the “copy to soak time” button. Max. is 99
hours and 59 minutes. Remember to do so for each step!